The Chinese high ranking editorial 6th issue 2016 interviewed Feng Shui Master Alan Ngan

‘Honour Magazine’ written in traditional Chinese is published in Hong Kong. Famous Hong Kong feng shui master Alan Ngan is being interviewed. He says tea gives us lots of pleasure. When drinking tea with friends, we can talk about the theory of life. How to tackle difficult situations when we come across and how to live with life. The content is lively and touchable. The reader will be deeply in love in the way it writes. It brings us moving into a high realm.This magazine is sold in China, Hong Kong, Macau,South East Asia and Chinese Community bookshop. The magazine can be found in Peking University, Tsinghua University, Fudan University, Top university like The University of Hong Kong, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong Polytechnical University, Hong Kong Central Library and China Official Website.

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